5 Common Electrical Problems that need an Electrician

Electrical problems have become common issues in many homes in the Arlington area. While it is true that homeowners are capable of installing the ceiling fans, replacing lights and doing some wiring jobs, it is still safer to have a professional electrician work on your electrical concerns. The elements of your electrical system can be tricky and complicated, so it is best to leave the job in the hands of the experts. Here are five common electrical problems that require a professional electrician’s help.


Flickering Lights

Does your light system flicker? It is a common issue in homes and even in commercial buildings. Flickering lights is the result of electrical grid issues that hinder the transfer of electricity to your home. If it flickers continuously even if you already replaced the light bulb, the culprit probably lies in the faulty fixture or down wiring. Call your trusted electricians and let them diagnose the issue and provide proper solutions.

Exposed Wires

Bare wires usually occur when doing home renovations or upgrades. When wires are exposed, it poses risks to your safety which can lead to fire which can drastically cause lives and damage to your property. If not fires, exposed wires are dangers for your pets and children. If you have exposed wires in your home, immediately call an electrician to keep them covered and protected.


Loose Contacts Within the Socket

Do you notice plugs falling out of their sockets repeatedly? Well, this is another electrical concern that needs professional help. To ensure a secure connection, the contacts within the socket should cling to the prongs of the plug. A loose or worn contact can cause the plugs to fall. And not just that, it can also result in an arc which brings the high possibility of fire.

Tripping Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers normally trip or shut off the electrical flow when it is overloaded. This is a protective mechanism of the system to prevent overheating and electrical fires. Additionally, a trip circuit breaker can also be caused by short circuits or an overheating appliance, just like when your air conditioning unit consumes more amps than usual. If you have a tripping circuit breaker, there is no better solution than to call your trusted electrician right away.


Skyrocketing Electricity Bill

The most often cause of rising electricity bills is the increase in rates. But, if the usage of your electricity rises along with the rate, it is time to consult an electrician. This may not sound like a mechanical concern in your electrical system, but electricians can also be there to assess your home and provide helpful advice to save you money on your electricity usage.

We can handle your electrical needs

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